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Searching for posts with the image hash ‘3wAvxrGApYOfFftMD2JB6A==’. 3 results found.
Quoted By:
>>9773255 >But what of the Dalai Lamas? Even the peaceful xenophobic leaders of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism has Christian blood on his hands. The 13th Dalai Lama ordered his monks to slaughter 500 Tibetan Catholic families and raze churches, orphanages, schools and hospitals in March 1905. >Despatch from Consul-General Wilkinson to Sir E. Satow, dated Yünnan-fu, 28th April 1905. (Received in London 14th June, 1905.) Pere Maire, the Provicaire of the Roman Catholic Mission here, called this morning to show me a telegram which he had just received from a native priest of his Mission at Tali. The telegram, which is in Latin, is dated Tali, the 24th April, and is to the effect that the lamas of Batang have killed PP. Musset and Soulie, together with, it is believed, 200 converts. The chapel at Atentse has been burnt down, and the lamas hold the road to Tachien-lu. Pere Bourdonnec (another member of the French Tibet Mission) begs that Pere Maire will take action. Pere Maire has accordingly written to M. Leduc, my French colleague, who will doubtless communicate with the Governor-General. The Provicaire is of opinion that the missionaries were attacked by orders of the ex-Dalai Lama, as the nearest Europeans on whom he could avenge his disgrace. He is good enough to say that he will give me any further information which he may receive. I am telegraphing to you the news of the massacre. >Tibetan Christian families were gunned down after refusing to give up their religion at Yanjing at the hands of the 13th Dalai Lama's messengers at the same time during the 1905 rebellion when Father Dubernard was beheaded and all the French missionaries were slaughtered by the Tibetan Buddhist Lamas.[47] The name "Field of Blood" was given to the place where the slaughter happened.[48][49] Anonymous
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>>9609248 >>9532530 >But what of the Dalai Lamas? Even the peaceful xenophobic leaders of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism has Christian blood on his hands. The 13th Dalai Lama ordered his monks to slaughter 500 Tibetan Catholic families and raze churches, orphanages, schools and hospitals in March 1905. >Despatch from Consul-General Wilkinson to Sir E. Satow, dated Yünnan-fu, 28th April 1905. (Received in London 14th June, 1905.) Pere Maire, the Provicaire of the Roman Catholic Mission here, called this morning to show me a telegram which he had just received from a native priest of his Mission at Tali. The telegram, which is in Latin, is dated Tali, the 24th April, and is to the effect that the lamas of Batang have killed PP. Musset and Soulie, together with, it is believed, 200 converts. The chapel at Atentse has been burnt down, and the lamas hold the road to Tachien-lu. Pere Bourdonnec (another member of the French Tibet Mission) begs that Pere Maire will take action. Pere Maire has accordingly written to M. Leduc, my French colleague, who will doubtless communicate with the Governor-General. The Provicaire is of opinion that the missionaries were attacked by orders of the ex-Dalai Lama, as the nearest Europeans on whom he could avenge his disgrace. He is good enough to say that he will give me any further information which he may receive. I am telegraphing to you the news of the massacre. >Tibetan Christian families were gunned down after refusing to give up their religion at Yanjing at the hands of the 13th Dalai Lama's messengers at the same time during the 1905 rebellion when Father Dubernard was beheaded and all the French missionaries were slaughtered by the Tibetan Buddhist Lamas.[47] The name "Field of Blood" was given to the place where the slaughter happened.[48][49] Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>9532530 >But what of the Dalai Lamas? Even the peaceful xenophobic leaders of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism has Christian blood on his hands. The 13th Dalai Lama ordered his monks to slaughter 500 Tibetan Catholic families and raze churches, orphanages, schools and hospitals in March 1905. >Despatch from Consul-General Wilkinson to Sir E. Satow, dated Yünnan-fu, 28th April 1905. (Received in London 14th June, 1905.) Pere Maire, the Provicaire of the Roman Catholic Mission here, called this morning to show me a telegram which he had just received from a native priest of his Mission at Tali. The telegram, which is in Latin, is dated Tali, the 24th April, and is to the effect that the lamas of Batang have killed PP. Musset and Soulie, together with, it is believed, 200 converts. The chapel at Atentse has been burnt down, and the lamas hold the road to Tachien-lu. Pere Bourdonnec (another member of the French Tibet Mission) begs that Pere Maire will take action. Pere Maire has accordingly written to M. Leduc, my French colleague, who will doubtless communicate with the Governor-General. The Provicaire is of opinion that the missionaries were attacked by orders of the ex-Dalai Lama, as the nearest Europeans on whom he could avenge his disgrace. He is good enough to say that he will give me any further information which he may receive. I am telegraphing to you the news of the massacre. >Tibetan Christian families were gunned down after refusing to give up their religion at Yanjing at the hands of the 13th Dalai Lama's messengers at the same time during the 1905 rebellion when Father Dubernard was beheaded and all the French missionaries were slaughtered by the Tibetan Buddhist Lamas.[47] The name "Field of Blood" was given to the place where the slaughter happened.[48][49]