>>13277895crippled is a signature insult of his (the Iraqi Sunni Muslim Arab in Sweden. He accuses accuses his enemies of being raped by their fathers or uncles.
The Iraqi pedophile begged desuarchive and archived.moe to delete most of his photos. All except one are censored if you look at previous posts in the archive.
He verified his reddit account Uracil_Goblin
He went by orgasm123456789 on the powerbot forum, as AntiMajoosUnit and QutaybabnMuslim on twitter and forgotten4ever, uracil_goblin, and MyDolores on Reddit
He cursed Slavs, Swedes and Christians with rape threats and insults and threatened Shia, Christians and Syrian government supporters.
Information and pictures here at this
archive.is link. He defends Sunni Muslims on 4chan and curses white people. If you see a post defending Islam and denying the Armenian genocide or calling white Christian women as whores here its 99% probably him. He boasted he had dozens of accounts on reddit's defending Islam, Erdogan, Ottomans for years
That's him in those photos.
http://archive.is/jciGqhttps://www.powerbot.org/community/topic/1286444-i-am-having-a-date-tomorrow-monday-any-tips-to-treat-m39lady-with-utter-respect/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-15612104>actually since youre a swedish homofag who probably is getting penetrated by his dad as im writing this, tell me where you are in sweden, lets meet up, im in karlskrona atm with a couple of friends (rip you never had those) we're doing some business for my uncles company so im free for 4 days, lets meet up anywhere in sweden and ill make sure to leave you crippleddhttps://www.powerbot.org/community/topic/1283493-why-are-there-no-longer-porn-naked-pics-being-posted-here-like-the-good-old-days/?page=4&tab=comments#comment-15567687>sweden sure does have good welfare, thats why white trash like you are even alivehttp://archive.fo/9RNT7#selection-3097.0-3128.0>"im not foreigner you gayboy, stop sucking dicks wtf is wrong with you swedes? ">crippledd