>>160809705Women dont care about mans look. If they did human men would obviously evolved in similar way as women did. Average woman is sexy no matter what unless she is doing drugs since age 10 / morbidly obese. Why? Because unfuckable women literally die out. When man looks at ugly woman and loses boner its literally over for her.
Meanwhile average man looks horrible and is bald on top of that. And guess what? He is still married lmao. Look at slavs for example: women all look like angels while slav man has face of potato and beer gut. He still scores with the slav women. Pic very much related. Average man in terms of looks is 2/5 or 3/10 according to women lmao. Absolutely ugly. And they still get laid lmao.
Women care about assertivity, wallet, social status, IQ points, reliability, your ability to deadlift her, carry her to bed, pin her down and fuck her hard while calling her slut. And if they are older they also secretly rate your ability to raise children. Its all about confidence. Your confidence.
>>160809899You think czech girls are easy? :-)
I bet you simply have the EXOTIC factor as advantage while you live abroad here. Thats common thing for everybody. Just having exotic accent pulls women on its own.