>https://archive.is/RBU9Khttps://democratieparticipative.best/dunkerque-des-racailles-maghrebines-torturent-un-chaton-dans-un-four-micro-onde/VEGANS BTFO
https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1576843026693.webmDunkirk : Two "new Frenchmen" tortured a kitten in a microwave, live on Snapchat
In this video, two "youngsters" are forcing the two-month-old animal into a running microwave.
"The kitten scratches on the walls, you can hear it screaming in pain," explains Michel Vanwaefelghem, director of the SPA in Dunkirk. (Note : SPA being an association for animal protection).
In this 20 seconds sequence, the kitten is struggling and screaming in the microwave. Throughout the video, the "youngsters" are hilarious.