Don't want to be intrusive but anyway, let's clarify something who is Russian janny. Russian Janny is a vatnik in Switzerland. Proxyfaggot who shitposting on /int/ and /pol/ constantly.
The effects of his destructive activities are visible everywhere. Don't be lazy, just check /int/, and you will see everything.
Moreover, his posts are directly hostile. For example: hohols, Russia number one everything else is shit, etc. As you can see, Russian janny turned /int/ and /pol/ into his playground echo-chamber.
In addition, until recently, his goal was to destroy any existence of reasonable Russian anons here. Should we show at least some activity, start discussing about Russia and everything is fucked up. Now, thanks to him and his jannies outrage, no one takes Russia seriously and does not want to discuss about Russia.
On Russian boards, mainly 2ch, we have a lot of pro-government shills.
Couple years ago 2ch became hosted by Mail Ru Group. A huge IT conglomerate that owns ALL of Russian social networks. Mail Ru Group is on government bankroll.
Imagine 4chan being owned by Facebook and CNN.
Said shills also shit up youtube comments on any anti-Putin videos and now they moved to western imageboards.
Considering that Hiro is a complete sellout it is possible that could sell janny/mod rights to 3rd parties.
Russian janny is a literal kremlinbot.
If you want him get REALLY mad you should post more of:
1. How churkas (Middle Asians and the North Caucasus sandniggers) and niggers take over the Russia.
2. Post pictures of Ramadan in Moscow.
3. Post this video and screenshots from it.
4. Say that Russia is a neoliberal leftist degenerate shithole, literally Sweden of Eastern Europe and Russian women are coalburners.