>>153962982Too many diverse languages, cultures and religion to ever go back to its glory days. Just ask any of them if they should speak Tamil or Hindi.
You can never eliminate the muslims - you don't have the strength of the state China has to do it, and Pakistan would be obliged to invade. Say even if you succeed, you will end up as an international pariah.
Also, culturally, the main issue isn't the caste system, but that Indians have no shame. Too many of them are proud of their origins, roots, language, nation, etc. when it started off as a shithole, is still a shithole, and will be a shithole. Meanwhile countries like Vietnam, Laos, or other shithole central Asian countries around it started off far worse, but are now far richer.
Shame is a major reason why East Asia has progressed into the only other group of people that make people sit up when discussing about that region. Its shameful to be weaker than others, to be poorer, to be a shit, so they take the bitter pill, reform their entire societies, and try to be the center of the world again.
Nationalism will do as much as nationalism in Malaysia and other poor as shit country - sweet fuck all. Will probably make the country worse, as they shit in the street, but are proud to be hindu upper caste. They all need a good dose of shame and humility to reform society. If you don't acknowledge your weakness, you'll never change.