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UK is that autistic kid at school who doesnt want to play by the common rules so he isolates and wrinkles his nose to other kids.
Australia and NZ are that kid duo who are class clowns and draw dicks to various places.
France is that nice guy but he gets pissed off easily and wants to fight everybldy and has to be appeased.
Germany is that other autistic kid who wants to set rules to every single thing.
Romania is that kid who steals fucking everything.
Poland is that kid who loves all machinery and engineer related stuff.
Italy is that kid who loves eating and shares best foods sith everybody.
Spain and Portugal are girls favorite cool kids.
Finland and Estonia are nerds.
Russia and USA are the two bullies. USA is the rich bully and Russia is the poor bully.
Sweden, Denmark and Norway are the guys that always hang together and never accept anyone else to their group.
Canada is the kid who only speaks when spoken to.
Mexico is the kid who is always late and forgets that you were supposed to bring stuff to school.