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That’s not really an either-or. If you have Fascism, you have dictatorship. You can have a dictatorship that isn’t Fascist, but you can’t have Fascism without dictatorship.
With that out of the way, democracy doesn’t work. Democracy never has worked, which is why no one has implemented real democracy on a national level since Athens submitted to Phillip II of Macedon after the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. What we call “democracy” in Western governance has no connection to this form of government and no correlation to it beyond elections.
What can work is a representative Republic of some sort, which is what we have in Western so-called democracies that haven’t retained their monarchical dynasties. And even they are basically just parliamentary Republics with a figurehead monarch as head of state.
The problem with our Republic in the United States is that we have too much apathy, with about 45 percent of eligible voters not voting, and more then 90 percent of those who do vote apparently willing to vote for idiots and crooks rather than demand better. When you have a situation like this, that’s when your system of government is in danger and you can have a dictatorship situation form.
My solution is simply to ignore those who don’t vote and treat them essentially as subjects until they make an effort to participate in the process, but even that isn’t going to work unless the people who do care enough to vote start caring enough about the quality and worthiness of the candidates, and refuse to vote for people like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump just because two political cartels offered them up as candidates.
And unless and until that changes, then we’re on the slow road to dictatorship, and probably Fascism as well—the real thing, not these left-wingers calling anything they don’t agree with “Fascism.”