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Comrades, we must not forget about how victory was achieved with the T34-85! The T34-85 is widely regarded as the best tank of WW2. In one incident, an entire company of Tiger 2's attempted to destroy a lone advancing T34-85 only to have all their rounds bounced by the T34's superior angled armor. Said T34 dispatched all the Tiger 2's with a single shot to their frontal armor that was constructed of pig iron. Wartime records indicate that the T34-85 had a K/D ratio of 50,000,000:1. The single lost vehicle due to the crew drinking too much in celebrating their 1000th Tiger kill, and then driving their tank into a 20-feet deep river of German blood. Fear of the T34 was so great, that Germans would immediately surrender upon sight of them. The prisoners were then forced to lie down, and promptly run over by T-34's to avenge the 6 million Jews. Many historians contend that the Allies only won WW2 because of the T34-85, and by extension, the T34-series as a whole.