canucksupplycompany.com (one of us, insta: @canucksupplyco)
fireforceventures.commistymountainsupply.com (one of us, insta: @mistymountainsupply)
mtlarmory.comprincessauto.com/en/military/category/200-055-000-000 (ammo cans, surp sometimes)
psmilitaria.50megs.com (has some alright milsurp prices sometimes)
quinntheeskimo.comsebarms.comthingsmilitary.com (boomer owner & overpriced gear, ammo is decent)
911supply.ca (zogbot discount, will not sell above level 3 plates in person without filling out an arbitrary form for record keeping)
blackbeargear.ca (good plate carriers/chest rigs and such, overpriced?)
bodyarmourcanada.comcamouflage.cacanadianpreparedness.comcanadianoutdoorequipment.comcanarmor.ca (allegedly canadian-made plates)
colonelmustard.ca ("Milspec" code is 5% off & stacks with other coupons)
ctoms.ca (cheapest CAT tourniquets)
dstactical.com (zogbot discount)
hercule-campus.creator-spring.com (one of us, meme shirts and tactical fannypacks, use discount code "CANGEN")
lofdefence.camilburnmountaindefense.ca (allegedly reliable NIJ certified plates)
northernrepublicmagazine.comonduty.caoverlandoutfitters.ca rippleind.ca (best Hsgi Taco selection)
sdtac.ca (carriers, pouches, medical)
srstactical.ca (good customer support)
workwearcanada.comBoycott these homos:
Army/Navy in Halifax (a store to buy tranny flags and pride merch)
Al Fagertys (supports gun control & random penis inspections)
Ducks Unlimited Canada (on ‘firearm advisory committee’ yet are indifferent to gun control)
G4C Gun Store (Multiple reports of credit card system compromised)
GSCI (overpriced faggot cunt jews)
Herooutdoors (terrible service, confirmed drop-shipping scammers, owned by (((Jeff Schwartz))) )
Lockhart Tactical (fucked over AR50 anon)
MEC (supports gun control)
TheShootingEdge/Target Sports (JR got Swiss Arms banned)