>>34479148>>34479167For the record, premise that I posted (September 28, 2011) was signed by Meghan.
In the first outline (October 14, 2011) Celestia still wanted to reform Discord to show mercy, but instead of getting Discord's powers removed, "Princess Celestia has fashioned a necklace using shards of the elements of harmony that, when placed on Discord, will allow him to keep his magical powers, but punish him if uses them for evil." It was signed by Teddy Antonio and Patsy Cameron (
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0131698/). Teddy Antonio got credited as "story by", but Cameron wasn't credited for the episode.
The first draft signed by Dave Polsky (November 18, 2011) is basically what we got at the end: Celestia wants to reform Discord to use him, no one touches his powers.
Somewhere between Antonio and Cameron's outline and Polsky's draft, everything changed, but keep in mind that even though Polsky signed his draft, it doesn't mean that those were his ideas. He could have written it based on anyone else's feedback on the outline, we don't have the emails to know what happened.
The weirdest part is that Teddy Antonio got credited for the episode even though the premise was signed by Meghan, and Teddy's idea about the necklace isn't even used. Either Meghan fucked up and stole the vague idea of reforming Discord from a fanfic, or she wrote her premise, a lawyer found Teddy's fanfic, and instead of discarding the episode or whatever, they decided to bribe him. Or, well, maybe Teddy is was really someone's nephew and that's how he got there. But why did they ask him to write the outline, only to ignore his idea?
Even with the revisions of the script, it's really hard to know what happened here.