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Anniversary Stream Event Thread

!nisaba2GK. No.41488044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Friday, October the 4th, 2PM Pacific / 5PM Eastern, roughly, at the usual place.
The week-long celebration of all things pony, bring yourself, bring your friends. Get drunk and have a great time. Drink calls are sips, don't die.

Here we go, welcome to the show. We are watching The Last Unicorn now, per tradition, and then the stream will officially commence!

>What's the schedule?
On the same tablets where someone complained about Ea-nāṣir
>I don't like this.
No matter how it's done, there are going to be unhappy people.
>Are you playing pony life?
>I'm not ready! It's too soon!
Same anon, same.
>why not on the 10th?
The anniversary has always started on the weekend before the 10th, and starting on a Thursday would be weird.
>Where's it at?
Yes, now that it's dead, we can't begrudge dancing on it's grave.
>Will there be new emotes to spam?
Working on it now :cinema:
>Any good news?
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