>>41524117>Sounds of Silence reviewGood character concept, shit execution.
The plot could be told in 4 minutes, not 21.
Honestly lack of content. There's pacing problems and then there's simply lack of content. Like every single S2+ episode. Even Feeling Pinkie Keen had a hydra thrown in there for the entire 3rd act.
Even G5's snowponies special had a better plot than this and that's G5 that getts screeched at ad infinitum. I've seen better plots out of Filly Funtasia.
I was hoping for something bigger like Wolfwalkers or Secret of Kells in terms of story.
>Everyone is mute AND emotionlessSo the Crystal Ponies 2.0
At least they're not incompetent at their jobs like Glimmer's Niggers.
>Magic fire breathing chinese horses ... in the middle of the fucking jungle ... houses made out of leaves ...Likely story, tell it to the judge. If anything these niggers should be living in the crystal empire where it's cold and the houses are made of granite and crystal.
>KeereeenReally bothered by how they pronounce it, damn canucks.
Very feminine stallion designs.
Autumn Blaze has a nice voice
I originally watched Sounds of Silence during S7's hiatus when it was leaked in Norwegian. EQDrones were trying not to watch it early like a bunch of retards.
So this episode only portrayed a secondary character in a positive competent light (a rarity in every single show, not just MLP) ONLY BECAUSE there was a guest actor. For some reason nigger turkroaches/italians/spaniards/arabs/jews treat guests really well ... when you're on their good side ... because they want to hide the fact how badly they treated everyone else; hint hint the mane6.
>Fluttershy x ApplejackAnother rare combo that should have happened back in S1. It reminded me of that scene in Dragonshy back when Applejack was more understanding.
Fluttershy was extra autistic this episode and I would smashed her face in if I was in AJ's place.
>They need to stay mute!Fluttershy proving once again that she's a communist since the Glimmer premiere episode. Man what is it with autism and communism, is there a correlation? Oh yeah cowards and communism.
>Fluttershy still staying near the kirin when she found out they're the goddamn niriksAs likely story as an entire town giving away their cutie marks when you get laughed at for not having one and there's an obsessive club made to get one. The Mane6 would have freaked out and nuclear bombed the place the moment they saw blank flanks.
Rachel Bloom has a nice voice when she's lowering it, I like deep voices. She's not much of a singer.
Also this is how Pinkie Pie used to be written back in S1 , a lot more charming and competent. Kinda like Izzy in the movie.
Who the fuck is Rainshine? and why the fuck is she so big? and why is her voice so chirpy for such a big motherfucker?
So yeah overall "impressive" that a secondary one-shot character managed to not be a wholly incompetent useless motherfucker. Quite a rarity in a children's cartoon.