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rainbow rocks is the goat

No.40987193 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shut the fuck up for a moment
This is not about MUH PONIES
Rainbow Rocks is legitimately a great movie with a unique interesting story and terrific music
It's absolutely on of the best things to ever come out of G4
JFL if you would rather watch another of FIM's at least 1/3 garbage episodes than enjoying this banger
>b-bbbut barbiefag
You are a massive faggot if you blindly hate on eqg for no other reason than NO PONIES
Eqg was never going to replace fim or ponies or ponyville or whatever. You just want a reason to mald about everything
>but the first movie was shit so I never watched again
Fims pilot was also shit and I still watched all 230 episodes, faggot