>>29740452Twilight’s eyes widened as she made the connection. “You killed Rainbow Dash! That’s why it didn’t look like she’d put up a fight!”
“Oh, you are the smart one! Very good. Smarter than you white friend.” Luna gloated, grinning that toothy smile.
“Oh no, not Rarity too!” Twilight gasped.
Luna simply smiled, and the books around the two started to decay, pages slipping out of rotting spines and fluttering down to the wooden floor. The bookshelves shrank in size, until the library was the size of the real life Golden Oaks library. The tree was rotted, the wood started to stink of mold and fungus. Leaves fell from its dying branches and Twilight could hear the creak of the wood slowly giving way under its own weight. There was a loud snap, followed by a crashing sound outside. Twilight figured her balcony had just fallen apart. She didn’t take her eyes off Luna, though, she was probably the next target, so she didn’t want to give Luna any openings. Her horn lit up, and she stared the alicorn down, waiting for her to make a move.
“You assume this works the same way the real world does, my dear Twilight.” Luna said from behind her.
Twilight spun around in shock, and looked at the two Luna’s that were flanking her. She scrambled up the nearby stairs, trying to put both of them on the same side of her. Another Luna appeared up the stairs, blocking her path. Twilight concentrated, lit up her horn, and teleported outside the library. She appeared in a flash outside the front door and looked around quickly, trying to spot Luna. Luna opened the front door and walked casually out, reading a book. Twilight didn’t waste any more time and fired a beam of purple light at the princess. It burned right through her, but Luna didn’t even flinch. She looked casually down at it, bemused.