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Don't really know if Nordpone counts as a strange waifu, but here's a thing from a thread that died earlier.
>ywn appear in a small fishing village in Equestria's past
>the locals with never ask you to please save them from the fearsome raiders who keep attacking them
>ywn agree, thinking that the raiders are more qt tinypones
>your heart will never stop as their ships arrive, unloading a band of large, horse-sized warriors
>ywn throw your weapons to the ground and surrender, declaring that you didn't sign up for this shit
>the leader of the raiders will never think you're cute and take you for her lover
>ywn promise to submit to her so long as she promises to spare the village
>she will never happily agree as she gently pushes your head down between her thighs to perform your 'husbandly duties'