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>Rarity finally realizes that the sound upstairs is our parents having sex
>She turns to look at the 6 of us, who are all looking up at the ceiling, listening to my mom screaming in orgasm
"Well, I think our bath was a success, so why don't we all leave--"
"Come on, girls!"
>Scootaloo begins racing out the bathroom door
"Let's go see what's going on!"
>Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Pinkie and I all follow behind Scootaloo as she walks upstairs
>Knowing this battle is over, Rarity timidly follows behind us
>We get to a closed door
>Heavy breathing has become very audible coming from inside
>Scootaloo turns to face us all
"What do you think's going on in there?"
>Silver Spoon scoffs
"What do you think?"
>Rarity arrives at the end of the stairs, shouting at us as quietly as she can
"I think it's time we head downstairs, don't you think?"
>The door opens up
>My Daddy is standing above us with a fully erect penis
>Scootaloo, Applebloom, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tremble
>Rarity and Pinkie look at them, praying that they won't be scared for life
>I look at the shaft in my face
>I want to suck it