>>25812108>Your mane was RUINED, you could feel yourself covered in sweat and dirt from Anonymous's coat, your mascara was running and you had tears in your eyes>By all rights you should be FURIOUS>All of that time at the spa RUINED...>But...>Sighing, you give Anonymous a look before resting your head on his chest"I don't know why I put up with your nonsense..."
>You couldn't help but let out a pleased hum as Anon's hands scratched your back and sides>"Oh you love it, marshmallow," he snarks as you>Humphing you boop his nose"I expect something from this hug, Anonymous," you say, sticking your nose up into the air. "I believe that I deserve it after all of your nonsense!"
>You giggled as Anon's fingers danced across your ribs before he rested his hands on the small of your back>"You were gonna get dirty eventually, Rare," he pointed out as you gently nuzzled his chest. "Me doing this is better than your sister running in and spilling something on you or something like that.">...True>But you were going to have to insist"When we get up off this floor you are going to go upstairs into my bedroom--"
>"Saucy.""--Shush! You are going to go into my bedroom and you are going to grab the white pearl comb that's sitting on the nightstand."
>Your hind legs begins to kick as Anonymous's hands start to scratch your shoulders and neck but you ignore it>You were a lady on a mission"Then you are going to come back down here and you are going to do your very best to brush all of this filth off of my AND you are going to fix my mane."
>Looking up at him with narrowed eyes you wrapped your front legs around his chest just as his hands reach your ears>Though your eyelids flutter at his surprisingly delicate touch you manage to fix him a stern glare"There. There's the hug that you so desperately NEEDED."
>Patting your head, Anon tries to sit up...>"Alright, just let me get your comb and--">...Only for you to force him right back onto the ground