>>34514988>How Do You Consider Events That Happened In The Show "Non-Canon"To be completely honest, I'm not even sure this is something you can tell yourself. For me it was a completely involuntary thing at least.
Back in season 8, when I was watching Non-Compete Clause or The End in Friend, I started noticing that everything had become completely stupid. But at that point I didn't really consider anything "non-canon," I simply thought that the episodes were asinine, and I was mad the writers kept on doing that to the characters. I was feeling kind of like you're feeling right now.
It was Uprooted that changed everything for me. Right at the beginning of the episode, there was a scene where Dash tells Silverstream that she's the first non-pony Wonderbolt. A few seconds later we discover that it was only a dream, but for a second it looked real. The funny thing is, we were supposed to believe that Silverstream becoming a Wonderbolt was obviously fake because it was too stupid to be "real," but some things that were actually happening were much stupider than Silverstream becoming a Wonderbolt. And I thought, if Silverstream becoming a Wonderbolt can't be "real," everything stupider than that can't be "real" either.
Twilight couldn't possibly open a school, Tartarus can't be a shitty dog pound, the ponies didn't imprison a filly. Those things are stupid, and if they're stupid, they didn't happen.
I never finished watching Uprooted, and I skipped about half of season 9. From that very moment on I realized that I couldn't care less about what happened in the show, nothing was more real to me than Silverstream's dream anymore.
I hate what the writers have done to the show, but I don't care about what happens in it. I don't feel anything watching the old mane 6 or the giraffe Twilight, because those are not the characters I love. I simply can't see it as part of the same "reality" anymore. I didn't convince myself to disown these seasons, my brain simply rejected them.