>>36686694I absolutely did not see this post, it's kinda what I've been looking for, thanks.
>>36663581Hello friend, how did you come by these image hashes?
I have made a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey userscript to easily block eqg images on /mlp/. Please find the install link here:
https://github.com/MaresOnMyFace/PPfilter/raw/main/ppfilter.user.jsAnd the code here:
https://github.com/MaresOnMyFace/PPfilterI also include my own list of approximately 10k eqg md5 which I have manually filtered over the years. You can find the list in the repository, just paste this link into the "import from Url" button in my extension (top right of 4chan):
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaresOnMyFace/PPfilter/main/mymd5s.jsonI have just successfully imported your ~180k image md5s into my local database. Took around 1 minute and appears to be working fine. If you like, install my script, include my md5 list and report to me how it feels to use.
My extension is supposed to work with absolutely massive databases (unlike 4chan X), and my only limitation right now is a comprehensive source of offending image MD5s. Please review my approach and give me any feedback on the code.