Quoted By:
>You're really making it difficult for me to become your friend anon.
>Twilight said I should keep trying, but you make it so darn hard.
>Ever since we've met each other you and I have been at odds.
>You never liked me, even after I baked you a nice cake and tried flying kites with you!
>You tell other ponies how much you hate me every single day.
>Last month you kicked me in the flank, the week after that you made fun of me in front of Twilight and last week you pushed me down a flight of stairs!
>I got so mad I wanted to hurt you back, in fact I still do.
>I know its wrong to want to hurt you but thinking about it just makes me feel so good...
>One of these days you're going to push me to my limit and I don't know whats going to happen to you when it does.