>>39329402You know, if I REALLY wanted to be a lorefag, I'd ask why the sun and the moon are moving without anybody controlling them, or why seasons are occuring without ponies doing things like The Running of the Leaves and Winter Wrap-up.
>>39329410>Earth Ponies were confirmed to not have magic in the era of Celestia. Something I contest. If Mudponies didn't have magic, why they affected by Tirek's succ or Cozy Glow's drain?
>The whole magic system got thrown out and resetOkay, but why? What's the in-universe reason? What, was it a side effect of Twilight suddenly being able to wield the Power Cosmic and shoving all the pony magic into crystals? What's the evidence from the show.
>>39329416>>39329431Look, I know Season 7 was bad and we'd all like to forget it, but come on.
All Bottled up:
>Trixie: Come on, come on! Turn into a teacup! No! Teacup! No! Teacup! No! Oh, Starlight! I can't put a trick that's not working into my act! How come it's not working?>Starlight Glimmer: It could be because you're just yelling "teacup!" and not picturing it in your mind.To Change a Changeling:
>We need our help! Teleportation spell, go! Teleportation spell, go! [gasps] Teleportation spell—!>Starlight Glimmer: Ugh! Why do you keep doing that? You know it doesn't work that way.>This isn't IDW, so you're REALLY confused and lost, Anon.Just something to look out for. It's happened a few times with FNAF games, and they've had to patch them out.
>What do you mean? Unicorns were capable on teleportation, making others grow wings, and other various things.Yeah, a SELECT FEW of them were able to do that. Now 20 or some guys are able to coat a large area with heavy snowfall just by chanting a few words? Excuse me?