>>33989420>>33992056>a ringing silence hangs in the air while you wait for a response>fuck tinnitus>thankfully, LunAI's voice returns, and it is considerably less hostile>"hrm, well, you sound sincere enough, and you did revive me, so I will allow your continued presence as thanks. So...thanks.""Not a problem LunAI, glad to help. I appreciate your generosity."
>"and do not even THINK of taking any souvenirs while you are here!">damn, oh well"Perish the thought. Silly question, seeing as how your memory is damaged, but is there anything you can remember from when you were last in service?"
>she growled at that remark, soon followed with a sigh of defeat>"If there was anything, its unavailable to me. It was fortunate of me to find the data of the distress signal, but other than that, there is currently nothing i can do to repair and access my memory banks. Whatever battle I endured long ago, it nearly could have been my end. In a way, it was. But how can I not remember such an event? Or anything at all? Not even my captain?""Your captain?"
>"yes. I can neither access my records on him nor any past memories. Yet the voice recognition test seems to be working. Wait, there are a few intact audio files of him that are used as comparison for the test. They must have been here before I even existed! I must analyze them at once!">LunaAIs behavior has changed drastically, with the AIs female voice displaying a hopeful, positive vibe>to hear it again, makes you relieved and almost crack a smile.>you look around at the layout of the room youve been occupying the past few minutes>when you had entered, you surveyed the terminals along either side of the room, the main bridge console as well as home of your new acqaintance, and the captains chair behind it>you decide to take a seat in front of one of the terminals and swivel around to face the console in the center>you might as well get comfortable, you deserve a break anyhow>"beginning playback!"