To keep the thread warm, I wrote up a version of the SK that implemented most of the things I thought would make it better, rather, I wrote some of it and quit when I got to the parts I didn't think would be fun to write, so it doesn't have any CSS or JS ^:)
In particular, I think that this
>>40703131 has the underpinnings of a significant improvement to the SK's presentation. I think that the layout at is very pretty and appreciate ReviewFilly's effort to bring the feel of to the SK, but I think it's simultaneously too much and not enough.
The statistics like updoots, ratio, wilson score, and so on are not relevant because fundamentally the concept of a recommendation list is rooted in the fact that the site's statistics systems are not useful for differentiating good fics from very good fics. Additionally, I like the idea of taking away the cover art and description as they're far too prominently displayed. I prefer the old SK's style of effectively showing only the title and tags. Part of this is also to take away the impulse to judge a fic by its cover art.
For the converse, I think that, when deciding whether or not to read a story, you should consider every single thing that FiMFic presents to you on the fic's page. The current SK site doesn't bring in the fic's group membership, similar stories, and filters out most of the fic's actual tags, it doesn't show the author's profile info or their set of activity tabs.
I think that trying to split the middle of those two options is not good, so I wrote my version of the SK to be much simpler, like the old one. Of course, the separation by tag is not available in the backing data for the current SK, so I thought the best substitute would be an interactive tag filter. I didn't write the code for the interaction, but I imagined it as a series of buttons (styled to look like text) that would cycle through bold, normal and strikethrough to indicate "required," "neutral," and "rejected" search terms.
There there's an atmosphere of expectation for ReviewFilly to compile the next SK for us, which I hesitate to reinforce, but the configuration for my script which generates this page would at least be somewhat useful to him, so here it is: obviously, you'd have to tweak story IDs 7335 (Apotheosis), 171675 (Triptych) and 480 (OTEM) to unjuggle Daetrin's fics. I'm not completely sure in general that I implemented the results of all of Rariflag's posts.