Quoted By:
>Welcome to Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time that content doesn't matter, and I'm lost in my own dreamhouse!
The group climb up a ladder in a tight tunnel.
>What a fill~
They keep climbing
>With creamy sweetness inside~
>What a fill~
>I'm getting a fork for you.
>What a joy to my mouth
>Your taste is surpreeeeme...
>I'd use my knife
>Not for manners, but for youuuu (cake eater)
>And in time...there'll be nothing else~
>Cliiiimbing will eventually lead on to youuuu (cake eater)
>But I'm stillll in this dreeeeam cake eateeeeer
>But I'm stillll in a dreeeeeeam cake eateeeeer~
[For goodness sake, shut up Pinkie! If this tunnel wasn't so small I'd just fly us up.]
"...I liked it."
'...I actually liked it too.'
[...damn tag alongs.]