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Hey guys, I want to start a discussion by sharing this chart I made explaining my personal views of how I would divide up the eras of MLP: Friendship is Magic by quality, tone, and the staff involved. Below I will elaborate on some of my controversial opinions:
My personal season ranking is 4>2>3>1>5>7>6>9>8. I actually slightly prefer the McCarthy Era over the Faust Era overall, but I recognize the changes and I completely understand why some strongly prefer the Faust Era. I personally find both eras great in different ways, and I believe MLP didn't decline until after McCarthy and the veteran writers left.
I also understand why some really like seasons 6-9, and I did like plenty of episodes within them. I actually liked Starlight and the student 6, and I thought that the biggest issue in these seasons was how they did not use them enough. In spite of how rushed and unearned I found Starlight's initial redemption to be, I actually found her to be a likeable character after that for the most part. Heck, the Season 6 finale is one of my favorite episodes. I just wish she had more screen time, a more in depth arc, and more interactions with the other characters.
I found the student 6 to be likeable, a breath of fresh air for the show, and they had a lot of potential. Hearth's Warming Eve was a wonderful episode proving this. However, I thought Seasons 8 & 9 squandered them with a nonsensical concept and barely using them. The Friendship School made no sense. The mane 6 had busy lives already and should have not been teachers, let alone the ONLY teachers. Having friendship being some academic thing that requires several classes to be taught is really weird, since friendship is developed mainly through experience. Celestia didn't teach Twilight friendship, she had her practically learn it. The school should have been a normal boarding school with educational classes taught by actual teachers. It can be still a friendship school by just having all these different species there interacting and being taught good values.
The student six themselves got very little development, only having a few episodes starring them. This was a true shame, since they were fresh and interesting characters providing something new to the show, while all of the established characters were so played out by this point. I fully believe that the student six should have been the main characters in these seasons. If the show would have been willing to fully commit to its new concepts, I would have respected the hell out of it, and there was plenty of potential for story lines featuring these characters. Seeing their friendships grow and seeing the mane six mentor them could have made for a great two seasons. Sadly, the show wasted them. Seasons 8 & 9 were halfway stuck between trying to be unique and trying to be more of the same, and they fail in both of these departments in my opinion.