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>another day wasted browsing 4chan instead of working on my magnum opus fic which is already like ninety percent done
why am I so fucking lazy holy shit
I was supposed to have it done and posted in 2021. shit you not I procrastinated a whole year (albeit working here and there on other fics on the side but still.) so I promised myself I would have it done by last october. didn't get it done. so I promised myself I would at least have it out around new year but before february. it's already the fucking 18th and I still need to proofread and streamline almost 100k words
I feel like... scared almost? of opening the document. sometimes I force myself to open it to work on it and at the most I just change around some sentence structures before distracting myself with something else. it makes no sense as I'm mostly proud of the work I've done and I had tons of fun writing it to where it is now. I don't know what's wrong with me but I hate that I can't trust myself cause like I wake up every morning thinking this is the day I'm gonna do it and before I know it it's midnight and I'm too tired to think and I promise I'll do it tomorrow, rinse and repeat
god I'm useless
I'm so glad I'm a literal who. I couldn't bear to disappoint anyone who actually liked my shit this unforgivably hard