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Looking back it, I don't consider Season 6 that bad. It was alright. Most of the episodes weren't so incredibly shitty and usually had a few decent moments. Season 6 does, however, start a LOT of the things that get complained about now.
>More common to see characters written strangely for plot reasons
Why exactly is Trixie so antagonistic to Twilight when first seeing her again in NSP? She seems bothered when talking about how ponies judge her for her past in the start of the episode. That, plus the end of Magic Duel makes it seem like that was simply done just to put a ground under Twilight's suspicions, which are also a bit odd coming from Magic Duel.
>Faces/expressions have become a bit more stretched/wacky (Pinkie in A gift for Maud, that one Dash scene in NSP)
>Has one of the most worst episodes (ELTSD), 28 Pranks, an episode that's essentially a copy of another somewhat divisive episode (MMDW) and Carts Before the Ponies (Get to watch AJ, Rar and RD be self-centered cunts that entirely shit on the CMC and what they want)
>Has its share of Starlight exerting her power over ponies
ELTSD is the most obvious example, but there's also NSP where she forces her magic down Mac's throat, literally.
I don't hate it as much as I used to, but I still consider it a turning point for show quality.