>>35045386That's a tough question, anon.
It's possible I'll have less time to maintain the archive in the future, or who knows maybe ten years from now we'll all have lost interest in pony.
But it wouldn't be a very good archive if it disappeared in just a few years.
Thankfully, it doesn't take much resource to keep it surviving quietly in its small corner of the internet. Just that someone somewhere keep a spare hard drive to seed from.
As for the website, in the worst scenario if we cut down the non-essentials like seedboxes and streaming, it could keep running for decades on a static S3 bucket for practically no cost at all.
There's still the possibility that I disappear suddenly and everything goes down with me. It's probably the biggest threat to the project, and that's also why I try to do everything in the open. Unlike the MLPMA, the source/Raw files are all public. The code of the site is on GitHub, and the maintenance scripts have even seen a half-hearted attempt at documenting them.
It's hard to make predictions, but I have hope we can keep preserving the fandom's music for a very long time. As long as there's anyone left who cares at least a little bit,
Now, keeping it up to date add the same pace of 200GB a year, that is another thing...