Go do something that makes your waifu proud. She's worth it. Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.
Oh no! Your waifu had a little too much to drink the other night and hit her head quite hard. She fortunately recognizes you, but amnesia has struck and she struggles to recall her own identity. Even her special talent doesn't come to her easily. You two are on a vacation far abroad, so you have very few familiar things to show her. What would you do to help her?
>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.
Last Wednesday's thread:
>>41223466Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.