Jesus Christ in a handbasket: what the fuck happened? I'm away for a day and a shitstorm descends upon the boorus.
It's good to know Pozzy's still pissing into the wind looking for a clue. Maybe you should've decided on policy before opening your website, idiot. You're no better than the Derpimods at this juncture.
Either tell the artists to get fucked and file a LOLsuit, or crook the knee and let everybody know your site is POZed and a watered down Derpibooru. Quit wasting my time
>>35591790Based Twifag a life preserver in a ocean swell of retardation.
>>35592959play dumb games...
>>35593215Hey, you know what's really being ignored? The derpibooru and pbooru backups. Where the fuck are those guys? I know they post here.
>>35593307Is this that "pipeline" that fag byte[] mentioned in one of the threads here? Are we sure it's functional and error free?