>>3666096Support was for a herd, but there were strong reasons against most of the Mane 5 from being in a herd with Anon and Fluttershy.
>>3666157Alternatively, Fluttershy during one of her regular visits with Rarity (Spa, Cafe, Alicorn Fashion), brings up the issue of being passive in her relationship with Anon. Rarity's first thought is FillyShy BDSM. Fluttershy doesn't feel she is proactive enough in her relationship with Anon, and this has been a source of worry in the past, reference the re-institution of the Herd and how this idea has caused a little friction with other p
onies, such as her book club.
Rarity perks up at this, but is otherwise sympathetic to Fluttershy's anxieties. Having interests in historical dramas and romance, Rarity is able to explain some of the dynamics of the Herd - relationship breadth and stability, strengths of one providing support to all, etc., and cites that bringing in another p
ony can deepen existing relationships, not by spicing things up (implying boredom with current situation) but by taking things to another level. A lot of it is exercising trust, and having that trust validated only improves communication and understanding, and those 'nags' from Fluttershy's bookclub were going about it all the wrong way.
>Fluttershy Amazed.jpgBlah blah blah, Rarity makes her soft-sell to Fluttershy, citing that their own friendship is strong enough to survive rejection if it turns out that the Herd isn't something Fluttershy and Anon want to contintue. It can even become a fun secret of something that didn't work out in the event things turn out that way.