FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>41034144 needs to shave
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>38586600 3d hitch looks alright
2d hitch is pure cancer
I can't really say much about the character as I haven't watched any G5 stuff
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>38539700 someone would have to discover that particular ray gun or potion
then they would have to catch me
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>38403953 well then I guess that answers that
do it again FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>37988498 Lets not but pretend we did
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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I need a stick with which to bap as many storm causing pegasi as possible or a newspaper, that would be even better
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>37088631 Where was it canon?
I remember them having to paint big mac since Twilight couldn't actually do it with magic
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>37073243 You done any character work, or are you concentrating on environmental stuff?
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>36862669 Yes, but also no
but mostly yes
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>36686938 Maybe
If Twiggles can turn ponies into breezies maybe Luna can turn you into a bat horse
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>36547796 enjoy your retirement
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>36249229 I think you mean Starship Boopers
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>36199328 oh
well, seems legit
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35969282 yes, its always been that way
look at weaver's stuff for instance
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35846045 it probably involves a quest or something
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35818966 I dunno! Only one way to find out though, which is it?
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35723952 maybe that pony should pony pony too
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35655751 I was thinking a tag or bell
but maybe you are on to something
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35463627 I wonder if anyone thought it would be anything other than terrible
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35167911 Something seems off here
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35058252 I do but I wouldn't be able to post it here!
Also, I honeslty never understood the need to change the name for r63 ponies, especially considering pony naming conventions. Most horse names are pretty gender neutral
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>35019496 I don't know why else the chickens would be kept
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>34812286 That is an extremely difficult question pone, it will take some consideration
FlyingSaucer !!nRTbEWE+tg0
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>>34689874 is frog on frog considered lewd?