>>37979086Arena melee maps. I brought this idea up earlier, so I spent the last few hours trying to find a couple of good potential maps. Unfortunately I only found two working ones, but they have potential.
https://u.smutty.horse/metgopgumyi.7zarena_chamber is a 1v1 melee map. There's a chamber and two people descend into it and 1v1, winner leaves. We could use an honor system and duel with waifu sticks as heavies or something, or just go any class any melee weapon.
arena_breakcheckersgrid is a weird fun map centered the grid breaking mechanic of breakfloor with the blocks set in a checkers pattern. Portions of the map walls itself in to prevent the entire map from being accessible at a time.
I believe melee_barn is also on the maplist already, but I'm not sure if the innate melee plugin works. It'll probably have to be serverside, so for now I didn't include it. There are also a large amount of other melee maps but they all seem to have broken triggers for melee, as you can still use any gun. Here's a seperate zip of some broken melee maps I found that might be useful if there's a way to get melee working on them. My personal favorite is arena_melee_bash