>>25719604>after the last sip of your punch, you feel your bladder about to explode>enter the bathroom>as soon as the bathroom door closes, two girls walk into the gym from the front entrance>you can hear some kind of movement in one of the stalls>in mid stream, you hear a squeaky voice in the stall whisper, "Oohhhh Rumble...">you immediately hold back your laughter so hard that the stream of piss momentarily stops>the inner troll desires to be a dick and yell out your presence,>but Freshman was pretty cool and you wouldn't do that to him right now when he's getting some>right?>the stream starts again and soon your bladder is emptied>as quiet as you can, you wash your hands and leave the scene>but the inner troll is mighty>and right before the door closes behind you, you yell into the bathroompic"FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY">you hear two gasps in the bathroom as the door closes behind you>laughing pretty hard, you look towards the dancing>to find Rarity right in front of you>"Really?">you shrug"There's two people getting it on in there... I had to."
>she shakes her head>"Sex in a bathroom? Absolute ruffians.">you look away to hide your shit eating grin at the irony>but you definitely couldn't rat out Rumble...>so you kept your 'birds of a feather' remarks to yourself>"I don't suppose you're up for a dance?""Sure."