Quoted By:
Oh boy do I love having TOP RATE AUTISM
>Okay, maybe you cried a little bit when you left your mom behind
>And maybe you cried a *lot* when she drove away, leaving you alone outside of Harmony Hall, with only two duffel bags full of clothes and a few books
>But as you make your way up towards your dorm, you keep your head bowed, hoping no one will look
>Sure, it's your first day of college, and literally *everyone* has been telling you to mingle and make friends
>But you don't want to make friends right now
>You just want to be alone, and to cry a little bit
>N-not because you miss your mom or anything!
>That would be t-totally lame, and you're *way* too old to miss her waking you up in the mornings, or making you apple slices with peanut butter when you get home
>And you especially won't miss her surprising you with a new book she picked up while shopping, and cozying up next to you on the couch, a mug of that weird pine-smelling tea in her lap, listening patiently to you rambling about the plot details and the beauty of each character, occasionally smiling and patting the back of your head--
>You sprint up to your room before you can start crying again
>Fortunately, everyone is too engrossed in meeting the rest of their floor mates to notice the sniffly purple nerd sprinting past them, a duffel bag full of Daring Do novellas and plaid skirts under each arm
>And even more fortunate, still, the university promised you a room without a roommate
>Just you, and a nice, quiet space to read
>And totally-not-maybe cry a little bit
>You shoulder the door open, keeping your head down
>...and immediately trip over a huge pile of instant Mac n' Cheese cups, going spilling to the floor
>Dazed, you lift your head up from the thin carpet to find yourself staring at a bespectacled red-head, who's beaming at you
>"Oh! There you are! You mutht be Twilight Thparkle!"
>She extends a hand to you
>"It's tho nice to meet you!"