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My mother went to a catholic school where she had to go to mass every single day, and my full Italian blooded father was raised roman catholic.
It's funny, cus aside from some sunday schoolin' as a kid, my parents never pushed religion on me. We never go to church except when celebrating religious holidays, like Christmas or Easter. Even that's mostly just to show respect to the holiday we enjoy almost entirely in a commercial way, and my father just never attends.
When I asked my mother why we never went to church, despite her christian past, she said, "I spent 2 hours in a church every day until college, I've done enough praying."
It's odd, but somehow my parents, despite being raised in very religious households, sort of became non-religious over time. They couldn't care less that I'm not even a bit religious. I'm not some, 'religion iz stoopid' fucknut. Honestly, it's just whatever gets you through the day.
If that means going to some stuffy house to pray every Sunday, then good on ya. If it means going on an autistic image board about cartoon horses, just the same. As long as you don't hurt anyone else, believe whatever ya want. Life's too short for anything else.