>>29389289I'm personally pretty confident with the ship. Their interactions in S5 and S6 is depicted in the same way as I would depict it if i was writing their episodes. I even predicted in S4 that I would love to see the episode where Discord is jealous of Fluttershy going with someone (though I imagined it would be a guy but neverthless Discord probably don't see a diffrence between a mare stealing his waifu and stallion doing it) and at least one episode where Discord would risk his life to save her and doing the "knight in shining armor" gag like Spike did in "Dog and Ponies Show" episode (I didn't expected to be a pig but it make sense since horses are sapient in this universe)
So in the end, I'm very happy with current state of FlutterCord in the series, which make sense as it was presented by fluttercord shippers.
I can already predict next FlutterCord episode which will involce Discord meeting Zephyr and Fluttershy's parents. That will be just another step toward bonding them together. I can see them officially dating somehwere at the beggining or ending of Season 8.