>>41279991>They reciprocate her affection, tears well up in all their eyes.>The Cutie Mark Crusaders start trotting away.—----------------------------------------
>Six spying mares were still hiding in the brush.>They were arguing about the results of their bets.“My Sweetie Belle was very obviously doing the most damage to those ruffians.”
“Are ya kiddin’ me? One hit. One hit! Bloom there knocked that brat down in one hit!”
“Uhm. Excuse me. I think… I think I said that maybe there would be at least three bites? Did I cover the spread? Oh gosh I hope I’m saying that right.”
>None of the Mane Six could decide who won their nebulous bets.>Rarity and AJ were getting particularly heated.>Twilight stepped up to pull them apart.“Calm down you hoof draggers. Why don’t we just ask our bookie?”
>She gestures to Rainbow Dash who was lounging back, trying to balance her clipboard on her nose.“That means you Rainbow Dash.”
“You have to decide who wins what and how?”
“I do?”
“Yes. Then you have to pay us out.”
“Yeah yeah sure.”
“Rainbow Dash!”
>Twilight was now getting frustrated.>Getting impatient she levitated Dash’s clipboard away from her to do the work herself.>There was nothing but half drawn doodles all over it.“What is this?”
“Oh yeah I didn’t actually write anything down. I was gonna but then I got bored.”
“But you didn’t even start!”
>Rainbow Dash shrugs.>Nopony gets anything now.>Twilight was about to rip Rainbow Dash’s wings off before Pinkie interjected with her boisterous snorting laughter.>It’s infectious.>All six of them start laughing along.>When they finish they notice Diamond and Silver sprinting past.>Shortly followed by the Crusaders.>They let them pass as they go quiet to keep hiding.“Well Ah oughta go tan little Bloom’s hide now.”
>Rainbow Dash snickers at AJ.“Yeah yeah. See ya next time we get together to watch a bunch of kids fighting.”
>AJ rolls her eyes and heads home.>Rarity starts sweating at Rainbow Dash’s comment.>Do they know?>She forces a laugh that’s too loud.>Everypony just looks at her confused.—----------------------------------------