Quoted By:
"Ya got your ass beat."
>"I-It wasn't that bad."
"You got fuck'in rekt! ~by a girl no less~.
>"I feel f-fine."
"Bro, I appreciate ya trying to suck it up and soldier on but look at yourself!"
>"It's just a s-scratch."
"No dude, me catching that buzz saw in shop class was a scratch, this...this was an ass beating."
>"...okay fine, guess I'm just a wimp."
"Ahh sorry man didn't mean to bring ya down like that."
"Tell ya what! what'd ya say we go get a pick-me-up, how bout some ice cream?"
>"...no thanks..."
"What about some BBQ? we'll get the good stuff!"
"...how bout ~revenge~?"
"Let's go find Rainbow Dash, I'll give her a swirly and while I'm doing that you can give a ~wedgie~...what'd ya say?"
>"...can we still get the ice cream and BBQ afterwards?"
"Atta boy!"