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Little one-shot about the end of the world and when it's too late.
>It’s over.
>It’s actually over.
>Maybe you should go home like everyone else already has.
>But go home to what?
>You don’t have a family, and the few friends you have are probably with their own families right now.
>You’ve spent most of your life devoted to being the chef of the royal family.
>Partially, because you love cooking, but also because you wanted to be close to her.
>Nothing ever came of it though.
>You never caught her at an opportune time or managed to strike up a conversation, and now it’s too late.
>Opening up a bottle of cider—the world is ending; may as well be drunk—a weird feeling of closure overcomes you.
>No more pining for someone who doesn’t even know you exist.
>The door opens, and Celestia enters the kitchen, completely ignoring you.
>She trots over to the huge fridge, opens it, and retrieves the last piece of cake.
>She brings it to the small table, sits down, and starts eating it.
>Your eyes open wide in disbelief.
>This is the first time in all these years she has ever come to visit your kitchen.
>And she’s completely without entourage.
>This is the chance you’ve been waiting for all these years.
>Cruel fate has waited till the end of the world to give you this opportunity.
>But what should you say to her?
>She doesn’t even know your name.
>You watch her take another bite from the slice of cake.
>Once she is finished with the cake, she’s probably going to leave.
>You don’t have much time to come up with something.
>Maybe a friendly "Hi" or a "I’m sorry that the world is going to end, but I’m here for you!"
>That might be what you’re actually feeling, but it’s probably not a good opener.
>It would be too direct.
>You are a stranger to her after all.
>Another bite of cake vanishes into Celestia's muzzle and you decide to simply go for it.
>Celestia looks up, stares at you for a moment with tired eyes, and then continues to eat her cake in silence.
>This hurts more than you like to admit.
>But you also understand that she may not be in the mood to be friendly right now.
>No doubt exhausted from the last few days off soothing her panic-stricken subjects as best as she could.
>Maybe you should just leave her alone.
>But you don’t want to be alone.
>Maybe she doesn’t want to be alone either.
>Maybe she needs a friend.
>If only she allowed you to be that friend.
>An earthquake shakes the castle for a few moments.
>The cups rattle in the cupboard, and one falls down on the floor.
>Neither you nor Celestia give it any attention.
>What if you were honest with her?
>What if you just told her:
>"Hey, I’ve always secretly admired you for decades from far away, and now I’d like to take this opportunity at the end of the world to get to know you!"
>You take another sip from your cider.
>Celestia is almost done with her cake now.
>You may only have seconds left to decide what to do.