>>5884558Oh, and as for Big Mac, he has already displayed great amounts of intelligence and responsibility. He just doesn't talk much.
And Spike... Spike is a weird case. One minute he'll be acting the bitch by carrying all their stuff, and the next he'll do something cool that proves he's more than a slave. (This is probably due to the fact that this character archetype is hard to avoid this days, more than any sexism.)
The writers are guilty of following formulas, hell, even I'm guilty of some of these in my older works.
Simply put, it's not that the show is sexist, it's just that the writers have never seen a red pill before.
Lauren Faust is what I like to call a "self-proclaimed feminist".
They do not yet know that feminism, at its core, is about hatred.
What we have here is a show that teaches moral values, and a damn good one, at that. The examples of misandry are generally few and far between, and when they do happen it's not shoved in your face like with some sitcoms.
tl;dr, stop bitching about it and enjoy the show, and if you want to help against misandry get out and do some footwork.