>>39617647It has been shown in Equestria Girls the elements of harmony can be used for evil. I feel like the elements aren't as much as a source for good but for power as a whole. It also may be that they could be less literal then believed. As long as the bearer holds some aspect of the element. Such as with each element be able to held by an evil person as long as they're close to what the element represents. Maybe the element of honesty could also work for someone who is brutally honest, and doesn't care for other peoples feelings and will always say what is, to the them the truth. For laughter that could be as basic as someone who finds pleasure in their evil deeds and will laugh while they do them, loyalty could be loyal to anyone, including an evil person or organization, or maybe even just an ideal. The only ones I'm stumped on are kindness (although maybe it could be kind to oneself?) and generosity. And magic is probably the most literal, someone who is naturally magically gifted. Which would explain how and why Sunset Shimmer could use the element. Perhaps the elements of harmony could just as easily mean tyrannical, as long as there is a version of order.