>>28056705>“Don’t be a fool,” Rarity shouted, panicked. “We have to get out of here.”>“Wait.”>You turned around and saw Maud with a group of ponies that were all holding clipboards and wearing goggles and lab coats.>Obviously they were scientists.>“We may need the two of you to make the ultimate sacrifice.”>Maud explained that the volcano was technically dormant, but that it was also cursed because its south side resided in the cursed grounds of the Everfree Forest.>The dark magic from the soil of the Everfree had brought the volcano back to life and now it was ready to bring destruction to this side of Equestria.>Somehow you were able to hear Maud say all of this in her plain and quiet tone while the eruption was happening behind you.So, what are we supposed to do?
>“If the volcano has been brought back through dark magic, then only a pure act can quell its fury and break the curse.”Like what?
>“Two virgins of different sex need to sacrifice themselves to the volcano in a union of death.”>The scientists were staring at you and Rarity.>The two of you stared back.Um, so are two of you guys going to do it?
>The scientists snickered at this.>“Anonymous,” said Maud, “we’re geologists.”>Maud looked into the camera. “And everypony knows that geologists rock harder than anypony else.”Well, how bad would it be if we just, I don’t know, let the volcano do its thing?
>“Anonymous,” said Rarity as she placed an empathetic hoof on your thigh, “it’s obvious what we need to do together.”>You sighed heavily.You’re right. I’ll grab the water bottle.
>“I meant that we should have very passionate sex,” said Rarity indignantly. “Not that we should seriously hike up a ten-thousand-foot volcano together just so we could kill ourselves.”Quit griping, you said as you jumped up and off your hanging spot to grab the lip of the cliff you were ascending.