>>34756290"I can see the appeal, it's just a bit far to drive. Particularly with a two-seater and a few hundred ponies."
>The man laughs and shakes his head.>"I'm not trying to convince you to join us. It sounds like you and the ponies are doing fine out there on your own, but I'll throw a line in for you in my nightly prayers anyway. Your neighbors, though... the Steffords...""You know them?"
>"Only by reputation and what Derpy told me of the girl.">Ah."They're doing a lot better. Lauren's doing everything she can for their ponies."
>Apparently looking smug is not forbidden to men of God.>"See?" he smirks. "People are basically good. Generally. Most of them just needed a chance.">And then that grin falls away with a sigh.>"And then there are men like...""Sterling?"
>The priest shakes his head."I've met him. If he's not evil, then..."
>You shrug. Where else is there to go with that?>"So have I," the priest spits once it's clear you aren't going to say any more. "That man lacks conviction and is impossibly short-sighted.>"He does whatever is easiest, changes his mind on a whim, spouts off the first thing that comes to mind, and believes nothing bad that happens is *his* fault.>"He rages on, blaming the world or his ponies for everything regardless of the blood on *his* hands.">That sounds uncomfortably familiar.