>>40895419>Both ponies perked up>"So you're interested?" Cadence squeaked>You thought for several seconds"I think I can be convinced," you allowed. "Shining, I've heard you say your bit, and I'll admit that it's a good bit, but I'd like to speak with Cadence alone. If you're the only one doing the talking it feels like she doesn't get to have any say. Does that make sense?"
>Shining nodded, smiling>"I understand completely," he said standing up. "Cadence, dear, I need you to mare up and really win Anon here over. Do you think you could do that?">He gave her a look>Cadence stood a little straighter in her chair, then nodded>Shining's smile turned into a grin>"In that case, I'll take my leave and make sure that your things got to your room alright. When you two are done I'll make sure that there's something to eat for you as well, Anon.">With that, he made his way to the door>As he walked outside, Cadence produced a hair tie from somewhere>Looking you in the eye, she tied her mane back into a ponytail, a look of determination and, much more noticeably, hunger in her eyes~_~_~_~_~_~_
>Be Shining Armor, secret lover of stallion booty>It had been over a day since you left Cadence and Shining>Some of the crystal ponies had shared their concerns with you about her absence >You had assured them everything was fine>Cadence simply wished to be thorough in her "interview process">The poor mare had twelve years of sexual tension to unleash >That being said, a whole day was a little excessive >You hoped it was true what they said about humans in the old stories...>You were in your private chambers, looking over reports from the guard that had been delivered that morning, when the door opened>Cadence practically bounced into the room, as happy as you have ever seen her>A quick sniff told you that she had cleaned herself up, but she very much had Anon's scent all over her"So? How did it go?" you asked
>"Incredible," Cadence said, walking over and helping herself to some tea and cookies you had on the table. "I think I managed to convince him alright.">She giggled>You let out a relieved sigh>Good>You had been somewhat worried"Where's he now?"
>"In his room. I wanted to clean us off before coming here and telling you. When I left him he was asleep.""I'll make sure to sent a servant over with some food and water in a few hours then."
>"I'd appreciate it.">Cadence took a sip of her tea>You leaned forward"So... how was his dick?"
>Tea came flying out of the mare's mouth as she spat it out>You just laughed