>>21688506“Time," the Captain said, "is not what you think." He sat down next to Eddie.
"Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on earth is only the beginning.”
? Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
No matter what happens anon, know that your work will always be appreciated.
Know that those who loved you in life, whether or not they're still around, continue to love you.
Know that your fellow anons and horsefuckers will be there for you, maybe not in person, but in mind and spirit.
Know that you'll frolic in the fields of Equestria, surrounded by the warmth and care of all those little ponies.
And know that on the other side, you will
cum inside Rainbow Dash.
We love you, you glorious faggot. See you on the other side.