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Yes! Continue to worship these cartoon characters targeted at little girls. Don't deal with the deep-seated emotional issues that draw you to ponies.. just continue to be a retarded stunted manchild, don't develop yourself emotionally or try to better yourself. Regress, regress!
Twist and corrupt an innocent TV show made for tween girls into your revolting sexual fantasies because you can't even so much as talk to a girl. Convince yourself that you're gay/asexual/don't find human females attractive because of your own pathetic shortcomings. Please, continue to do so! Blame the world, blame society, blame others.. but never yourself.
Just keep doing as such, and cling to other people as pathetic as you; just feed off this disgusting and self-reinforcing "community" and convince yourself it's all fine. Keep being a complete and utter disappointment to your family, it's for the best!
Don't mind any trolls.. because, after all, you have ponies! Fake cartoon characters who, all in all, were created for the sole purpose of money and merchandise for a company.