Quoted By:
>soon everyone finished their breakfast
>you follow Twilight, while spike was riding on her back, out of the library and into town
>you still can see lots of townsfolk giving you the what-the-fuck-is-that-thing gaze
>you watch as Twilight is looking around towards the sky for something...
>or somepony-
>you felt the force of a football jock tackle you to the ground
>?:"Twilight! What is this thing!? Why was is following you!?"
>you recognized that snarky voice
>you look up to see a blue pony with a multicolored mane
A:"Hello, Rainbow Cun- I mean, Dash."
>TS:"Calm down Rainbow, this is the human I was talking about, Anon remember?"
>RD:"...Oh. Sorry for flippin' out on you like that."
A:*grunting as you get up* "No problem Dash."
>RD:"I just expected a 'hooman' to be, I unno, less tall..."
A:"*Human, its Human."
>RD:"Anyway, whats up Twi?"
>TS:"We were just walking through town letting Anon meet the girls."
>RD:"Oh cool, mind if I tag along? Its kinda boring out here."
>TS:"The more the merrier!"
>RD:"Awesome! Let's go!"
>Rainbow takes off way faster than the rest of you
A:"Well that was a good start for the day."
>S:"Pah, that was nothin'. You should've seen Dash the first time WE came to Ponyville."
>oh believe me Spike, I know