Quoted By:
repostan from last thread
>Twilight's balls slap against your taint, leaving a resounding clap on each thrust
>You grunt, gasp, and whine with each hit, the thick alicorn cock shoving and pulsing inside your gaping ass
>Yet it wasn't her tight, comfortable grip on your hips that made you cry out.
>Neither was it her dominating, controlling weight on your back
>Not even was it the sheer filling of her love shaft inside you
>But rather, the source of your ecstasy was the prodding of her cock against your prostate.
>And the magical stimulation.
>Twilight, ever the scientist, did not know where your prostate was exactly, but the girthy, fleshy mare cock buried in your ass allowed her to find out through touch.
>When she did find it, the rapturous jolts of pleasure erupted through your body even more intensely, leaving you moaning like her little bitch every time her hips smacked against your ass
>Every buck of her hips brings her warm pelvis and testicles towards your body, every twitch and thrust sliding the thick, fleshy, too warm rod around inside you
>Twilight grunts, and you feel the sliding marecock inside you swell, swell to the point of blanking your mind, and you feel her begin to pump
>"Nnn! Ohh... oh fuck, here it cums!"
>Twilight suddenly bucks forward again, bringing her to hilt. Her hooves tighten their lovely grip on your hips, and she clasps herself to your boy-pussy
>Her thick cock shudders, then pulses and squeezes, contracts then expands again, pumping something warm, something so deliciously warm and flowing
>You moan as well, a drawn-out cry of pleasure and pain confirming your final submission to your mare.
>After a few seconds, ones you swear seemed more like hours, Twilight finally, slowly pulls out. The warm, sticky, sloppy goo around her member sloshes out of your ass.
>Twilight lets go, and falls backwards, laying down.
>You sit in a puddle of your - and Twilight's cum. You hear her call.
>You look towards her
>"Clean your stallion."